Tata CLiQ Customer Care Number, Phone, Email and Address

Tata CLiQ Customer Care is a 24×7 helpline that resolves its Customer issue at any time of day. Tata Cliq was launched on 27 May 2016. It tied up with Genesis Luxury Fashion on to sell international luxury brands, and partnered with Adobe, for digital shopping. The customer can dial the Tata CLiQ Customer Care Number to fix the problem.

How Tata CLiQ Customer Care help Customers

Customers of Tata CLiQ can dial for Customer Care at any time of day. Tata CLiQ Customer Care provides the following ways to resolve the problem:

  • Phone: Customers can call at any time of day on Tata CLiQ Customer Helpline for the problem.
  • Email: The customer can send an email to Tata CLiQ for the problem.

Tata CLiQ Customer Care Number or Toll Free or Complaint or Helpline

Tata CLiQ provides Toll-Free Number & Helpline Number to register complaints about the problems. Customers can call on Tata CLiQ Toll-Free 1800-208-8282  at any time of day. The customer care Executive will pick the call and will ask your problem and you will get a Ticket ID. With this Ticket ID, the customer can check status on his/her Complaint.

Tata CLiQ Toll Free: 1800-208-8282

E-mail id: hello@tatacliq.com
Tata CLiQ Head Office Address: Tata Unistore Limited, Bombay House 24,
Homi Mody Street, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.
Tags: Tata CLiQ AddressTata CLiQ Customer Care NumberTata CLiQ EmailTata CLiQ Phone

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