Booking Customer Care Number, Phone, Email and Address

Booking.com is a travel fare aggregator website and travel metasearch engine for lodging reservations. It is owned and operated by and is the primary revenue source of United States-based Booking Holdings. Booking.com is headquartered in Amsterdam.The website has 28,425,726 listings in 148,470 destinations in 228 countries and territories worldwide. Each day more than 1,550,000 room nights are reserved on the website.

Booking Customer Care

Booking.com Customer Care Number
Toll-Free Customer care number: 000 8000 016 065
Customer care number Toll Free: (888) 850-3958
Customer care number: 888-850-3958
International Customer care number: 203-320-2609
Booking.com Customer care Fax number: +91 22 3314 3999
Email: customer.service@booking.com, klanten.service@booking.com
Booking.com Executive Contacts
Primary Contact
Joe Burke
Director of Customer Service
Compass House, 80 Newmarket Road
Cambridge, CB5 8DZ United Kingdom
44 1223 717818
Email address:Joe.Burke@booking.com
Secondary Contact
Todd Dunlap
Managing Director of Booking.com, Americas
800 Connecticut Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06854
Email address:Todd.Dunlap@booking.com
James Waters
Global Director of Customer Service
800 Connecticut Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06854
Email address:joseph.moscone@booking.com
Chief Executive
Gillian Tans
Chief Executive Officer
800 Connecticut Avenue, Norwalk, CT 06854
Email address:Gillian.Tans@booking.com
Tags: Booking AddressBooking Customer Care NumberBooking EmailBooking Phone

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